We say that a graph picture is non-crossing if no two lines meet except possibly at their endpoints.
particular suppose we consider partitions of {1,2,...,n}
(with {1,2,...,n}
considered as an ordered set in the natural way).
Then we may draw our graph with lines restricted to the
upper half-plane, and represent the elements as points on the
boundary line (the x-axis) in the
natural way.
(There are several examples in the main figure
here .)
In this case we have the notion of a non-crossing partition
- a partition having a non-crossing representing graph picture.
We write NCP_n for the set of non-crossing partitions of {1,2,...,n}.
The following figure shows how to map a non-crossing partition on {1,2,...,n} to a non-crossing pair partition on {1,2,...,2n}. The figure first shows a neighbourhood of a single vertex in a picture of a non-crossing partition as above, and shows edges arriving at that single vertex. The figure then illustrates how to convert this to edges arriving at a pair of vertices.
The case of a vertex with no incoming edges is the natural degeneration of this.
Thus altogether we have something like
the following image of the partition {{1,2,4},{3}}:
It is straightforward to see that this defines a bijection
beta: NCP_n --> NCPP_2n.
To do
This is a work in progress. Here we note some jobs that need doing
(entirely for my own organisational benefit).
Suggested further reading
On representation theory of the symmetric group
Algebras and Representations Leeds undergraduate module
References on representation theory of the symmetric group
Khovanov's rep theory resources
Benson, Representations and Cohomology: Basic representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras
J A Green, Polynomial representations of GLn (Springer)
(version with K Erdmann and M Schocker)
Assem, Simson and Skowronski, Vol.1 (LMS ST65)
Curtis and Reiner, Representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras, Wiley Interscience
Curtis and Reiner, Methods of representation theory I, Wiley Interscience
Hamermesh, Group Theory
Gabriel and Roiter, Representations of finite-dimensional algebras
Jain and Parvathi, Noncommutative rings, group rings, diagram algebras, and their applications