Maths All Around
This is a learning
resource page for "Discovering Maths".
It is independent of any particular module or programme.
In particular the Leeds module
Math1210 Maths All Around is relevant.
1. What is "membership"?
Think about the notion of MEMBERSHIP,
and how it might connect maths to life...
We talk about `membership' and `belonging' in life.
Membership of the club or the gang or the team.
Being a passport holder.
Belonging (or not) to the group.
Classes of things, to which certain things belong.
Sameness and difference within a group. A notion of "shared ownership".
And these are all very interesting and complex topics. And important.
Can maths help us to get a handle on these ideas?
... Perhaps not! But we might learn something useful about maths
if we give it a try.
Maths, of course, has its own versions of membership:
If a number is an odd number then it is not an even number.
If an animal is a dog then it is not a cat.
Exercise: what does this mean? Discuss!
And the dictionary says something is a member of a class if...?
Sort yourself (if you can) into a group according to the following sequence of
Football fan/not;
Music fan/not;
Paul Martin (base=amsta)
Last Modified: JAN 2016