Leeds: Jiannis Pachos, Paul Martin, Frank Nijhoff, Tim Spiller (now York), Zoltan Kadar, Giandomenico Palumbo, ...
Start: September 2012
LINKS to Some related EPSRC projects:
Connolly (14-19) ;
Ohberg (15-18) .
Try to build computers with quantum nature of physics used in software/hardware integration (rather than just ``accidentally'' as reason why some hardware components work).
Bleeding edge Physics (in the sense that quantum physics is functional as Engineering, but somewhat open as Physics).
and - serendipitously - ...
bleeding edge maths. Proposals for addressing the quantum computation challenge use mathematics from several areas (including category theory, diagram algebras, quantum groups, algebraic representation theory, K-theory, integrable systems, statistical mechanics, q-spin chains and so on).
FILLED: 2 PDRAs (3 years each) (enquiries to Paul, Jiannis, Frank or Tim)
FILLED: 1 PDRA (9 months) (enquiries to Paul, Jiannis)
NOW FILLED: lecturer in applied mathematics (continuing)
OPEN: Professor/lecturer in pure mathematics (continuing)