My main `zeros' reference (just because it is something that does the job,
and that I am familiar with) is:
[M91] P Martin, Potts models and related problems in statistical mechanics,
World Scientific 1991.
General (exact) stat mech references:
[B82] R J Baxter, Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics, Academic 1982.
[H61] D ter Haar, Elements of statistical mechanics, Holt Rinehart Winston 1961.
(Chapter 12: Cooperative phenomena).
D C Mattis,
Statistical Mechanics Made Simple, World Scientific 2003.
Some (for me) key Papers on zeros:
[F64] M E Fisher, in Lectures in theoretical physics Vol.7c,
U. Colorado Press 1964, p.1.
[A70] Y Abe and A Katsura, Prog Theor Phys 43 (1970) 1402.
[P82] R B Pearson, Phys Rev B26 (1982) 6285.
[M83] P P Martin, Nucl Phys B225[FS9] (1983) 497.
[OBB94] M. J. O'Rourke, R. J. Baxter and V. V. Bazhanov,
Numerical results for the three-state critical Potts model on finite rectangular lattices,
J Stat Phys 78 (1995) 665. HERE
Live link version of the Bibliography to [M91] (work in progress):
[A67] R Abe, Prog Theor Phys 38 (1967) 322.
A. Hintermann, H. Kunz and F. Y. Wu, Journal of Statistical Physics 19 (1978) 623.
[M88] P P Martin, J Phys A 21 (1988) 4415.
[M86] P P Martin, J Phys A 19 (1986) 3267.
[MM86] P P Martin and J M Maillard, J Phys A 19 (1986) L547.
[M83a] P P Martin, Nucl Phys B220 [FS8] (1983) 366.
Other interesting stuff:
[GL08] Joseph Geraci and Daniel A. Lidar,
On the Exact Evaluation of Certain Instances of the Potts Partition Function by Quantum Computers
CMP 279 (2008) 735. HERE